AB 288 Guides to Prevent Scholarship Displacement


Assembly Bill (AB) 288, the California Ban on Scholarship Displacement Act is a bill that Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law on September 30, 2022. This means that starting with the 2023-24 academic year, all public and private colleges in CA will be prohibited from displacing student’s private scholarships if they are eligible for the federal Pell Grant or financial aid via the California Dream Act (CADAA). This law supports college affordability and postsecondary attainment by preserving the value of scholarships to supplement, not supplant a student’s full range of financial aid resources.


Scholarship displacement happens when a college or university reduces a student’s financial aid after the student has received a private scholarship. Colleges typically reduce institutional gift aid by an amount equal to the dollar amount of the scholarship, leaving students with a zero-net benefit for their effort and forcing them to seek alternative funding sources like excessive loans or juggling full-time employment. 


NCCPC’s Policy Committee partnered with bill co-sponsors SoCal CAN and Scholarship America to create Know Your Rights Toolkits for 1) Students, 2) Providers, and 3) Campuses.

Thank you to Public Advocates, the CA Community Colleges, the California State University, the University of California, the Association of Independent California Colleges & Universities, the California Student Aid Commission, and the California Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators for their input.

Please share the below toolkits with your students, families, colleagues, and partners!

College & High School Students

Are you a high school or college student?

Have your received a private scholarship?

Then check out the AB 288 Know Your Rights Guide for Students!

To share resources with your scholarship providers or college, check out the Toolkits below.


Do you believe you have experienced Scholarship Displacement?

Have you experienced another financial aid issue?

Then click on the button below to report the issue! You’ll receive the Student Know Your Rights Toolkits and we’ll do our best to provide additional resources and support.

Are you a scholarship provider or college access program that provides scholarships or other aid like emergency grants?

Are you a campus or postsecondary system?

We encourage sharing our Toolkit with your students using our 2-page Flier for Students!

Explore our Scholarship Displacement Guide for Service Providers infographic which offers five (5) steps that your organization can take to support your students.

Below, check out our guides for Providers and for Colleges & Universities. For additional resources, check out the California Student Aid Commission’s (CSAC) Guide for Providers.

Flier for Students (2 pgs)

Infographic for Practitioners

Are you a Scholarship or College Access program?

Colleges & Universities

Scholarship & Educational Support Providers

CSAC Guide for Scholarship Providers