California’s Cradle to Career Data System

What is the objective of the CA Cradle to Career Data System?

The Cradle-to-Career Data System seeks to foster evidence-based decision-making to help Californians build more equitable futures and empower individuals to reach their full potential.

Quick Links to C2C Webpages

Scheduled C2C Events & Opportunities

Access meeting information, agendas, and more at https://c2c.ca.gov/meetings/.

C2C Student Pathways Feedback Opportunity

C2C has launched its user-feedback campaign to capture input from the public on its Student Pathways data stories. We are asking for public input in two phases. First, we’re seeking feedback on the research questions guiding our data stories, which will provide a holistic view of students’ journeys over time through a series of dashboards. In phase two, we will seek feedback on the data visualizations of the dashboards complementing the Student Pathway data story.

 Phase 1: Data Story Research Questions

Open Date: Friday, June 28, 2024  |  Close Date: Friday, July 26, 2024

 Phase 2: Data Story Data Visualizations

Open Date: TBD  |  Close Date: TBD

Share these opportunities with your network via LinkedIn, Facebook, and X.

Are you interested in partnering with the CA Cradle-to-Career Data System to host an event? 

Contact the C2C office at https://c2c.ca.gov/contact-us/.

Other Public Events that Spotlight Cradle to Career

Hosted by members, partners, and allies.

An Overview of CA’s Cradle to Career Platforms and Programs

August 28, 2024 6:00pm – 7:00pm PT
This webinar is co-hosted by Emerge CA 2024 and 2023 alumnae

News About C2C

Data for the People Resources (ETW)

By The Education Trust–West

For over a decade, The Education Trust–West’s #Data4ThePeople campaign has been a statewide effort to ensure California builds a data system that is centered on achieving equity and the needs of students, parents, and families.

Ed Trust–West resources are designed to support education equity advocates to take action. The student leaders, parent advocates, equity-minded teachers, faculty members, administrators, and community leaders who fight for students and families every day have a key role in ensuring #Data4ThePeople.


California’s Cradle-to-Career Data System Hits Major Milestone

By Iwunze Ugo on April 2, 2024 (PPIC)

California’s Cradle to Career (C2C) system aims to shed light on the paths Californians take through the school system and into the workforce by linking individual-level data from a variety of state agencies. This connected data—which has long been siloed in the agencies that collected them—could allow researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to examine and fix critical leaks in California’s education pipeline. The C2C system received its first submission from its data partners in late 2023, adding over 1 billion data points ranging from educational experiences to social services participation and workforce outcomes.

C2C Updates

Last Updated on July 8, 2024

The 2024 Public Proposal Process Closed on June 24, 2024

We are currently in the member proposal season, meaning that Advisory Board members may submit their own proposal form, sponsor a proposal form submitted by members of the public, or further refine a proposal form submitted by members of the public or a member from last year.

The process will be open again to the public in Spring 2025.

Learn more at https://c2c.ca.gov/advisory-boards-proposal-process/.

The remaining timeline for the Advisory Board Proposal Process is as follows:

  • Wed July 24: Advisory Board proposal forms are due
    • Seated Advisory board members can sponsor public proposals
  • Fri Aug 16: Reconvene for report approval
  • Mon Sept 9: Pre-Meeting Survey if more than 3 proposals are submitted
  • Mon Sept 23: Survey submissions are due
  • Wed Oct 2: The three proposals are revealed

For more on the process, read the March 20 Staff Report.

Explore the Proposal Repository!

All proposals that are received by the Office will be housed in the proposal repository. Proposals will be kept here in perpetuity for the purposes of historical knowledge.

Public Proposals received on June 24, 2024:

  • Community Engagement Advisory Proposals = 0
  • Data & Tools Proposals = 5

Advisory Board Proposals received for 2023:

  • Community Engagement Advisory Proposals = 1
  • Data & Tools Proposals = 7
C2C Advisory Board Recommend Process graphic

PAST C2C Events

January 31, 2024 – Sacramento

The California Cradle-to-Career Data System is hitting the road!

C2C will be in Sacramento on January 31, 2024, to kick off our in-person Community Conversations, and all are welcome. We look forward to engaging with the community and gathering feedback and input from the public about plans for the implementation and release of our analytical tools launching later this year.


February 15, 2024 – Bay Area (Oakland)

Join the California Cradle-to-Career Data System for an in-person event in Oakland on February 15, 2024 to learn more about C2C’s mission to build more equitable futures by providing tools to help Californians reach their educational and career goals. All are welcome, and we are excited to connect with students, parents, educators, and members of the public to hear about how we can better serve the Bay Area.