October 1, 2023
Policy Partnership Announcement: NCCPC and CA CSA Coalition join forces to serve Californian students from cradle-to-career
Source: Meredith Curry Nuñez, Executive Director of NCCPC
As of October 1, 2023, Northern California College Promise Coalition (NCCPC) and the California Child Savings Account Coalition (CSA) joined forces.
SACRAMENTO, Calif., October 1, 2023 – Beginning October 1, 2023, the Northern California College Promise Coalition (NCCPC) and the California Child Savings Account Coalition (CSA Coalition) took our partnership to a new level of alignment and integration. NCCPC is a regional effort that serves first-generation, low-income, and multiply marginalized and underrepresented students in the areas of public policy, workforce transitions, campus partnerships and adoption of best practices. The CSA Coalition seeks to improve the educational outcomes of children by improving the quality, scale and alignment of Child Savings Account programs in the state. This work is grounded in a commitment to promoting economic and racial equity in the operations, funding, outreach and engagement strategies of all CSA programs serving our communities.
Educational success and economic mobility are not time-bound events, but rather a lifetime journey–and often a multi-generational journey. Knowing this, members of NCCPC and the CSA Coalition sought out the opportunity to more deeply integrate our work, which previously was more narrowly focused either on older youth heading into and through post-secondary education (NCCPC) or younger children and their families just beginning to think about and save money for post-secondary education (CSA Coalition). In 2023, our two organizations co-authored a case study about College Promise and Child Savings Account Program Integration in California, excerpts of which were included in a national publication on this topic by College Promise entitled Building Assets and Aspirations.
Through our new partnership, the CSA Coalition serves as NCCPC’s CSA Policy Work Group, providing content knowledge and strategic guidance on CSA issues to the NCCPC membership and organization. NCCPC serves as a backbone organization to the CSA Coalition, providing both operational infrastructure and a forum for building programmatic and policy bridges between the early college savings and awareness activities of CSA programs and college access and completion work of College Promise programs. By working closely together we intend to be more successful and impactful in our work on behalf of under-resourced children and youth in California.