Paying for College as an Undocumented Student

Thursday, March 10, 2022
1:00 PM 2:00 PM

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Audience: Advisors

Join Immigrants Rising for a presentation on helping undocumented students receive all financial aid for which they are eligible.


Nancy Jodaitis, Director of Higher Education Initiatives


Click here for the Presentation Slides

  • Quick Guide to College Access for Undocumented Students: Check out our list of resources regarding CA in-state tuition eligibility, financial aid, and scholarships

  • CA Dream Act Map: This detailed map outlines the four phases required to successfully complete the CA Dream Act Application and receive all financial aid for which you are eligible

  • SEED Grant Social Toolkit: The toolkit has easy to use graphics, flyers, and messages to: 1) Raise awareness about the Seed Funding Cycle 3 & 4 deadlines, and 2) Share resources to guide people through the application process.

  • Applying for Scholarships: Many scholarships do not require proof of citizenship. Use Immigrants Rising’s Scholarship Lists and additional scholarship databases to identify scholarships that you are eligible to apply. The more scholarships you apply to, the greater your chances are to be awarded a scholarship.

Nancy Jodaitis has directed her skills towards building educational pathways for undocumented students throughout California for the past decade. She worked as a financial aid counselor for 8+ years at SF State University and was responsible for implementing the CA Dream Act. She currently conducts trainings for educators, administrators, financial aid and admissions departments and UndocuAllies to expand institutional practices regarding campus climate, in-state tuition and the CA Dream Act. Nancy has also developed a library of educational materials to help undocumented students in California ensure they receive all the financial aid for which they are eligible.

Nancy Jodaitis, Director of Higher Education Initiatives